Featured on The Sunday Times newspapers as one of the five
'most sought-after' Super Tutors in Singapore

Welcome to Economics Tuition

Compared to familiar ones such as Mathematics, Economics is a brand new subject with entirely new concepts, entirely new requirements. Students may be intimidated and it is understandable. However, Economics is a subject that many choose to take, rightly as well due to it being a subject that will serve them well when they grow up. Below are some of the reasons why students find Economics so tough:

Students also do not find the fast paced lectures helpful; before they got one concept down, they are faced with more. This snowballs and students’ foundation in the subject is rocky. Knowing the concepts well is extremely important, and students should start early. is where students can reinforce their understanding, so that it is rock solid before they attend lectures in school and get overwhelmed by the massive syllabus.

Hardworking students may think that the best way to study for the subject is to memorise, word for word. While rote learning may have served them well in secondary school, Economics is not a subject where students can excel simply by repeating what are in the lecture notes.

At, skills are emphasized, as they are what will help students score. Students learn case study skills such as data describing and analyzing, and essay writing skills such as question dissecting and thesis-writing – skills that they may not already possess or did not learn in school.

Most of the time, students don’t have much choice other than to memorise. They are unaware of how to even approach the subject, what to look out for, what are important and what are not.

Students at are given that jumpstart, to begin studying for Economics in a way that is effective and productive, so that no revision time is wasted.

This is perhaps one of the most common complaints, and one of the hardest obstacle to overcome. Students may not initially appreciate the subject and become resistant to learning it. This will limit them from achieving their full potential. is where students will learn to keep an open mind, to try their best to appreciate the beauty of Economics. Some may end up loving the subject, and most will at least be able to understand its relevance in the real world. When they find that Economics is relatable, they will find it accessible.

Also, here are some of the common mistakes commited by students as well, often cited by unimpressed Cambridge examiners:

Students often panic under the tight time constraints during examinations and end up not being able to complete their essays or case studies. This is extremely regrettable and a big no-no. One essay takes up a third of the score. Many students who fail to complete their case studies miss out the last question, essays which also carry a lot of marks. Students jeopardize their chance of getting an A this way.

This limits students in two fatal ways.

Firstly, students are unable to contextualize the case study of essay questions, making their answers sound extremely theoretical. Cambridge examiners want to test whether students can apply theory to reality, and not being able to include the ‘reality’ part of the equation will disappoint them.

Secondly, students are unable to provide real world examples to prove their arguments and their essays thus come across as less than splendid. In order to distinguish their answers from their peers, they need to be aware of economic realities and be armed with real-world examples.

This comes back to the problem of students who memorize and memorize, but have no question answering skills. They see certain keywords and write down everything they have diligently memorized, and end up being out of point. This is ruinous mistake as it shows poor understanding and grasp of the concepts.

The JCEconomics Edge

Students who attend have improved! This is because thanks to, they pick up:

This is due to:

Dedicated Teaching From Mr Anthony Fok

‘The Sunday Times’ newspapers as one of the five “most sought-after super tutors” in Singapore.
‘Featured on CNBC TV “a well-known face of Singapore’s booming private tuition industry and a part of an elite group of super tutors” in Singapore.’
‘Featured on ‘The Straits Times’ newspapers as a “super tutor who earn at least $1m a year”.’
‘Featured on MediaCorp Channel 5 TV programme ‘Made in Singapore’ as “an educator with extraordinary qualities”.’
‘Guest speaker on ‘MediaCorp Channel 5′ TV Programme “The 5 Show” about tuition and enrichment classes in Singapore.’
‘zbCOMMA’ Chinese language newspapers as an inspirational and dedicated teacher.
‘The Sunday Times’ newspapers as an “Economics tutor who puts theory into practice”.
‘The New Paper’ newspapers as a “tutor with a passion for Economics”.
‘TODAY’ newspapers for views on “staying ahead of the academic race”.
‘MyPaper‘ and ‘The Straits Times‘ newspapers for his views on the GCE ‘A’ level Economics ten-year-series.
‘Singapore Business Review’ magazine as a “top tutor who brings economics theories to life”.
‘Today’s Parents’ magazine for “educating the new generation using unique teaching methodology”.
Guest speaker on MediaCorp Radio 938LIVE radio segment ‘Dollars and Sense’ – “Star Economics tutor Anthony Fok helping students make sense of dollars!”.
MediaCorp Radio 938LIVE radio segment ‘On the Job’ – “Super tutor Anthony Fok sharing his experience as a full-time Economics tutor“.
‘Lianhe Wanbao’ newspapers as a ‘one-man show’ Economics tutor who “wins students by word-of-mouth recommendation.
“Domain of Experts” premier tuition platform which names seasoned tutors hailing from prestigious top schools.

Fellow of The College of Teachers, Institute of Education, London, for individuals who have made a significant contribution to educational literature or to educational management at a senior level.

  • Bachelor of Accountancy (Honours) from Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
  • Bachelor of Economics from Murdoch University, Australia
  • Masters of Education from Monash University, Australia.
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) from National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore.
  • Currently pursuing his PhD in Education
  • Author of numerous Economics Guidebooks (Available at all major bookshops)
  • Featured prominently in the local media

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